F1 Hybrid Seeds + Natural THCV
Empowering growers of all sizes to produce the highest-quality cannabis in the most cost-effective way.
See it to Believe it
High-THC, powerful + unique aromas, and agronomic traits that make growing easier and cheaper, and will outperform your clonal cultivars. Experience the industry’s first elite, phenotypically-stable, fully-feminized true F1 Hybrid seed lines.
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Seeds as Uniform as Clones–Insights from Phylos’ Uniformity Study
Uniformity is a critical factor that has long hindered the adoption of seed-based production in cannabis in the modern agricultural landscape. Phylos seed-grown plants rival the uniformity of the clonal variety tested in this study for harvest height, wet biomass, and total THC in our latest study.
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How F1 Hybrid Seeds Can Mitigate HLVd Risk
First in our new series "The Future of Cannabis Starts with Seeds" features John McFerson, VP of Breeding, and Jared Reynbery, Sr. Director of Breeding, discuss HLVd risk and how to mitigate risk by starting with F1 hybrid production-ready seeds.
Watch the webinar